Neovim for Minimalists — mini.nvim

Configure the minimal, independent, and fast Lua modules to improve the Neovim experience.

4 min readJul 21, 2022
Neovim for Minimalists — mini.nvim

In this article, we are going to improve the development experience for our minimal Neovim configuration using the mini.nvim plugin.

This article is part of the Neovim for Minimalists series.

The Neovim configuration files are available in this repository.

Getting Started

We use the mini.nvim plugin in our existing configuration. This plugin has many different independent modules suitable for most common tasks. We will explore several Lua modules provided by this plugin.


This module (:h mini.jump2d) is for jumping (moving cursor) within visible lines via iterative label filtering.

  • In the above screenshot, we trigger the jump by pressing ENTER.
  • We want to jump from the left-most window to the line in the middle window containing the word sumneko_lua.
  • This highlights all possible jump spots with their labels…




Software engineer, Data Science and ML practitioner.