Neovim Tips for a Better Coding Experience

Tips and tricks for a better coding experience.

6 min readJul 18, 2021
Neovim Tips for a Better Coding Experience


With the introduction of LSP (Language Server Protocol) support starting release 0.5, Neovim is gaining popularity among developers. Besides LSP, Neovim 0.5 adds support for tree-sitter, a tool that serves as a parsing library.

Parsing your code into a syntax tree allows for manipulating the structure of your code in a more intelligent way than is currently possible with regular expressions. This allows for improved and faster

  • text objects and motions
  • refactoring
  • code navigation
  • syntax highlighting

This article explores how we can leverage nvim-treesitter for a better coding experience.

This article can be read independently from the other related articles.

Better Text Objects and Motions




Software engineer, Data Science and ML practitioner.