Neovim Tips for a Better Coding Experience — Part 2

Tips and tricks for a better coding experience.

4 min readJul 25, 2021
Neovim Tips for a Better Coding Experience — Part 2


I walked through with you the tips and tricks using tree-sitter in my previous article. This article continues to explore how we can improve our coding experience using Neovim.

This article can be read independently from the other related articles.

Better Select

nvim-treehopper is a plugin using tree-sitter that provides region selection using hints on the abstract syntax tree of a document. This is intended to be used for pending operator mappings.

Using packer.nvim, I install and configure the plugin.

use {
config = function()
vim.cmd [[omap <silent> m :<C-U>lua require('tsht').nodes()<CR>]]
vim.cmd [[vnoremap <silent> m :lua require('tsht').nodes()<CR>]]

